Rosseti Kuban Put 60 Ownerless Power Facilities in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea On Its Books

In 2023, Rosseti Kuban took over 64 ownerless power facilities in the Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygea. The consolidated assets include 35.6 km of power transmission lines (PTLs) and 40 transformer substations with a total capacity of 7.25 MVA.

After power grid equipment is registered on the balance sheet, Rosseti Kuban specialists conduct a detailed analysis of the state of the infrastructure to develop a set of priority measures for its repair, reconstruction, and further maintenance.

Consolidation is the process of creating a unified, monitored electric network at all levels that meets modern standards of electricity supply quality. One of the main advantages of consolidation is the possibility of establishing unified tariffs for electricity transmission and technological connection of new applicants.

The process of consolidation of ownerless power grid assets is carried out in accordance with the current legislation (Articles 225, 226 and 234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 35-FZ "On Electric Power Industry" dated 26.03.2003).

Companies and individuals unable to ensure proper operation and repair of the energy equipment owned by them may apply to the branches of the energy company to conclude a maintenance contract.

Rosseti Kuban is responsible for electricity transport over 220-110 kV and below grids in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. The energy system includes 11 power grid branches. The total length of power transmission lines reaches 93.6 thousand km. The area served is 83.3 thousand sq. km with a population of over 6 million people.