Rosseti Kuban completes the reconstruction of power grids in the village of Socialism in Sochi

Specialists of the Sochi Electric Networks have completed the overhaul and reconstruction of power distribution network facilities in the village. Socialism of the Adler district of Sochi. Within two months, power engineers installed 800 m of a new 10 kV overhead power transmission line (TL) and more than 2.5 km of 0.4 kV overhead power lines.

In addition, two modern transformer substations with a total capacity of 1,030 kVA were installed in the settlement, work was carried out to remove supports from the territory of the children's playground, and a modern self-supporting insulated wire (SIP) was installed instead of bare wire.

SIP is safe, environmentally friendly, has high wear resistance and resistance to adverse weather conditions and wind loads, which is especially important given the natural and climatic features of the Sochi energy district.

New energy facilities will improve the quality of power supply to Sormovskaya, Sputnik, Grushevaya, Rassvet and Gomelskaya streets. In total, from the constructed power lines in the village. Socialism Sochi is powered by more than 160 residential buildings.