Rosseti Kuban specialists identify 13 ownerless facilities in the Krasnodar energy district

Since the beginning of 2022, specialists of the Krasnodar branch of Rosseti Kuban have identified 13 ownerless power facilities in Krasnodar and the Goryacheklyuchevsky district of the region, as well as Teuchezhsky and Takhtamukaysky districts of the Republic of Adygea. Currently, the search for the owners of seven objects is underway. Recognition procedure of the ownership is being carried out for six objects.

Worn out ownerless energy facilities are one of the main causes of emergency situations in the power grid complex and a decrease in the quality of power supply to consumers in the region. Taking them into the balance sheet is carried out as part of measures to consolidate the power grid property in order to improve the reliability and uninterrupted supply of energy resources to consumers.

In addition, power engineers accept networks of horticultural partnerships, energy facilities of territorial grid organizations (TGOs), commercial and non-profit organizations created in horticultures on their balance sheet. As practice shows, not all existing TGOs are ready to invest in the development of their own networks, engage in maintenance and construction of new facilities. As a result, conscientious consumers suffer, as sudden voltage drops occur in the network and household appliances fail.

Taking ownership of ownerless power grid facilities, the company carries out their repair and operation using innovative technologies and modern equipment, which improves the quality of services provided to the population.

In 2021, Krasnodar Electric Grids Branch accepted for service 14 ownerless transformer substations and over 35 km of overhead power lines in the suburbs of Krasnodar, Dinskoy and Goryacheklyuchevsky districts of the Krasnodar Territory.