Power engineers of Rosseti Kuban repairs 240 km of power lines in the east of the Krasnodar Territory

As part of the repair campaign, the power engineers of the Armavir branch of Rosseti Kuban improved the reliability of more than 240 km of overhead power lines, repaired the equipment of eight high-voltage power centers and 68 transformer substations, and replaced 230 poles. The work performed will improve the quality of power supply to the population of the eastern regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

The equipment of eight substations with a voltage class of 35-110 kV underwent repairs and comprehensive maintenance. These power facilities provide electricity to about 90 thousand consumers living in Armavir, Gulkevichsky, Kavkazsky, Novokubansky, Otradnensky and Uspensky districts of the Kuban, as well as socially significant facilities: schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, and water intakes.

During repairs, almost 30 km of wire were replaced, bird protection devices were installed, and 58 hectares of routes were cleared along overhead power transmission lines (PTL). This set of measures will increase the resistance of power lines to the impact of adverse natural factors.

It is worth recalling that over 140 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of the repair program in the Rosseti Kuban Armavir branch this year. Large-scale repairs are aimed at preparing the electrical grid complex for high loads in the autumn-winter period.