Rosseti Kuban increases the reliability of high-voltage power lines in the southwestern regions of the Krasnodar Territory

As part of the repair campaign in 2022, power engineers of the South-Western Branch of Rosseti Kuban completed the repair of 53 km of high-voltage power transmission lines (PTL). These power facilities provide electricity to more than 300 thousand residents, socially significant institutions, and resort infrastructure in the suburbs of Anapa, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, as well as Crimean and Abinsk districts of the Krasnodar Territory.

During the repair, specialists replaced more than 3.7 thousand insulators and installed 33 bird protection devices (BPD). New insulators have high operational and technical characteristics - increased mechanical strength, resistance to temperature extremes and environmental influences. Therefore, the installation of the BPDs will protect birds from electric shock and ensure the protection of power facilities from the waste products of birds reducing the risk of emergency situations.

In addition, in order to protect equipment from lightning surges and high wind loads during bad weather, the power engineers replaced 4.6 km of lightning protection cable and cleared 47.5 hectares of power transmission lines from trees and shrubs.

The implementation of these measures will improve the reliability of power supply to more than 300 thousand household consumers, as well as a number of social and resort facilities located in the southwestern regions of the Kuban.