More than 4 million rubles of damage are compensated by the thieves of electricity in the Slavyansk energy area

Since the beginning of 2022, in the course of claim activity specialists from the Slavyansk branch of Rosseti Kuban have recovered 4 million rubles in damages from unscrupulous consumers. In total, during the reporting period, 14 statements of claim in the amount of about 5 million rubles were put before the court.

During scheduled and unscheduled raid activities, power engineers revealed 50 facts of off-the-meter and non-contractual electricity consumption in Slavyansky, Temryuksky and Krasnoarmeisky districts. The amount of damage caused to the energy system by thieves amounted to 8 million rubles. The necessary materials on each power theft fact were drown up and sent to law enforcement agencies, and work to recover damages is underway.

Since the beginning of this year, specialists from Slavyansk Electricity Grid have installed about 2,000 smart meters and 3,000 anti-magnetic seals to prevent theft of electricity.

Power engineers draw the consumers attention to the fact that illegal consumption of electricity leads to drops in the network. As a result of power surges, household appliances of consumers fail, the likelihood of emergency shutdowns and fires increases. In addition, the risk of electric shock increases many times and threatens not only the violators but the surrounding people.

It is assumed that off-the-meter and non-contractual electricity consumption, as well as unauthorized connection to electrical networks, violators are to face administrative liability. The fine for individuals is from 10 to 15 thousand rubles; officials - from 30 to 80 thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one to two years; for legal entities - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. The law also establishes that repeated unauthorized connection to electrical grid entails a fine for legal entities in the amount of 300 to 400 thousand rubles.