Rosseti Kuban to invest 138 million rubles in construction of power facilities for connecting new consumers in the south-west of the region

In 2022, specialists of the south-west branch of Rosseti Kuban will introduce more than 11 MV of additional capacity for technological connection of consumers of privileged category of the suburbs of Novorossiysk, Anapa, Gelendzhik, and Abinskiy and Krymskiy districts of Krasnodar region. It is planned to invest more than 138 million rubles in the construction and reconstruction of power facilities for connecting new consumers.

Among the new facilities are overhead power transmission lines of a distribution network of total length of 75 km, which will be built with the use of the self-supporting insulated wire. Such a wire has a high safety class, is resistant to adverse weather conditions, wind loads and has high fire safety properties.

“The main objective of this work is to create a technical capability for connecting new consumers of privileged category, as well as providing the high-quality of electricity to existing consumers “, the Assistant Director for Technological Connection of the South-West Electrical Networks Nikita Kozachenko noted.

The service area of the south-west electrical networks includes Abinskiy and Krymskiy districts of Krasnodar region and suburban areas of Anapa, Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk. Besides, 77 substations with a voltage class of 35-110 kV are recorded on the balance sheet of the Company. The total area of the service area is 5.349 sq km. The total population of the engineering area are 882 thousand people.