Rosseti Kuban to invest 1,8 billion rubles in development of Krasnodar energy complex

In 2022, Rosseti Kuban plans to invest 1,8 billion rubles in modernization and construction of new power grid facilities in Krasnodar and five districts of Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygeya adjacent to Krasnodar. Investments of the company are to entry into operation more than 270 MVA capacity and 80 km of new transmission lines.

At present, construction and erection works have already been completed, and ahead of schedule, new transmission lines of the distribution network in Khutor Oktyabrsky and Starokorsunskaya village, which are in the suburb of the capital of the region, have been put into operation.

For the development of the power grid of Krasnodar and neighboring areas, nine substations are being reconstructed with an increase in their capacity by almost 128,4 MVA. This will eliminate overload during peak load periods and provide an opportunity to connect new consumers. Modernization will affect 110 kV Pashkovskaya and Pochtovaya substations, and supply centers with a capacity of 35 kV Titarovskaya, Adygeiskaya, Voengorodok, Dinskaya, NS-16, Staromyshastovskaya, Shevchenko, Khutor Lenina. The reconstruction of substation 35 kV Enem is planned in the territory of Takhtamukaysky district of the Republic of Adygeya. The replacement of power transformers at the power facility will almost double a total capacity of the supply center.

 The project is being implemented under the cooperation agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Adygeya, Rosseti group and Rosseti Kuban, concluded in 2020.

Nowadays, preparatory works are underway on large investment projects of 2022-2023.