Rosseti Kuban to invest 8 billion rubles in development of the energy complex of Kuban and the Republic of Adygeya in 2022

In 2022, the amount of investments of Rosseti Kuban in modernization and construction of new power grid facilities of Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygeya will increase twice compared to the previous year and will exceed 8 billion rubles. Investments in the company are to entry into operation more than 530 MVA capacity and 490 km of new transmission lines.

At present, energy workers are implementing the large-scale investment project near Novorossiysk, where a new 110 kV substation Yuzhnaya Ozereevka and 22 km of high-voltage transmission lines are being built. Construction is underway in a zone with a complicated mountain relief. Energy facilities will provide electricity to the infrastructure in the port area of Novorossiysk. Putting into operation a new supply center will relieve existing energy facilities, which are responsible for power supply not only to industrial users, but also to domestic consumers in the nearest populated areas. This will contribute to improving the quality and reliability of electricity supply to residents of the villages of Shirokaya Balka, South Ozereevka, Bolshoi Khutor and a number of resort facilities of the Black Sea coast.

For the development of the power grid of Krasnodar, the suburbs and neighboring areas, nine substations are being reconstructed with an increase in their capacity by almost 146 MVA. This will eliminate overload during peak load periods and provide an opportunity to connect new consumers.

In the Republic of Adygea, during 2022, specialists in energetics will modernize 110 kV Cheremushki and Severnaya substations, 35 kV Enem, Kombizavod, Tula, Sadovaya. The projects are implemented under the cooperation agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Adygeya, Rosseti group and Rosseti Kuban, concluded in 2020.

In 2022, Rosseti Kuban will continue the reconstruction of three substations in Sochi with a voltage class of 110 kV - Pasechnaya, Kudepsta, Adler. After modernization, the transformer capacity of these power centers will have nearly doubled. About 2.3 billion rubles will be allocated for the reconstruction of these power facilities.

To support sustainable electric power supply, modernization of substations in Belorechensky, Armavirsky, Yeisky, Kanevsky, Slavyansky and Ust-Labinsky districts is provided. Preparatory work is underway on large investment projects of 2022-2023 in Sochi, Krasnodar, Labinsky energy areas.

Let us remember that investments of Rosseti Kuban in the energy economy of Kuban and the Republic of Adygea amounted to more than 4 billion rubles in 2021. The company introduced more than 200 MVA transformer capacity, built more than 600 km of transmission lines.