Rosseti Kuban transferred to digital electricity metering 270 thousand consumers of Kuban and the Republic of Adygeya

Since the beginning of energy service activities in 2015, by attracting third-party investments, Rosseti Kuban has mounted about 270 thousand smart meters. New metering devices are installed for consumers of Rosseti Kuban without charge.

To modernize electrical energy accounting systems, the company attracts private capital. At this stage, Rosseti Kuban has concluded 36 energy service contracts amounted to more than 8,7 billion rubles. The subject of the partnership agreement is the implementation of measures aimed at reducing electricity losses. Most of the contracts have been completed and are at the stage of return on investment.

The transition to smart meters is beneficial not only to the energy workers, but also to the consumers. Unlike their analogue predecessors, the smart meters are to transfer remotely current readings and conditions of electricity consumption to the energy company, signal about the network failure and unauthorized use of energy. Such smart meters reduce substantially the number of disputes and disagreements between the consumers, energy sales and electric grid companies, allow to minimize losses. Installation of new metering devices essentially eliminates the electricity theft, which means that it enhances reliability and quality of power supply to consumers.

There are a lot of advantages of smart meters for consumers. First of all, smart meters provide opportunity to save money by using multiple-tariff counting.  To begin with, it allows to adjust load independently and transfer the work of power-intensive devices to the area of the lower tariff. Besides, consumers are released from the necessity to serve and repair metering devices, so the accepter of the energy service agreement bears a burden of operation. The electric grid company bears a burden of at the end of operation.

For reference: A smart meter is an energy metering device based on the microprocessor device operating in compliance with specific algorithms and provided with additional functions (built-in load relay, electronic seals used for opening the terminal cover and the count’s hull, electric power quality indicators control and magnetic field control and etc.) having options (communications channel(s)) for inclusion in the automated gathering system of accounting information.