Rosseti Kuban invested 200 million rubles in development of networks in Takhtamukaysky and Teuchezhsky districts of the Republic of Adygeya

Specialists of Krasnodar Branch of Rosseti Kuban carried out a set of measures for the electric grid complex development in Takhtamukaysky and Teuchezhsky districts of the Republic of Adygeya and Adygeysk. In 2021, more than 200 million rubles million has been invested to modernize the electric grid infrastructure.

As part of implementation of the investment program and measures for technological connection, about 27 kilometres of 0.4-10 kV overhead transmission lines and 21 transformer substations were put into operation.

The substation 110 kV “Termneft” equipped with fast acting emergency protection against short circuit through an electric arc was reconstructed.

The performed works will make it possible to increase the tactical response in case of the emergency shutdown of high-voltage equipment, reduce time expenditure for repair works and thereby maintain reliability of power supply to consumers.

The automatic emergency response system was reconstructed at one of the key supply centers - 110 kV substation ‘IKEA’. Reconstruction is being completed with an increase in transformer capacity of 110 kV substation ‘Adygeyskaya’. The total capacity of the supply center after carrying out works will increase one and a half times from 32 to 50 MVA.

It is planned to increase power capacity at supply centers ‘IKEA’ and ‘INEM’ in 2022-2023.

“The territory of the suburb of Krasnodar, including Teuchezhsky and Taktamukaysky districts of Adygea bordering it, is being actively developed and expanded. Mass housing and industrial construction are underway”, the Director of Krasnodar networks Andrey Gerasko noted. The plan of measures for construction and reconstruction of power facilities will make it possible to maintain reliability of power supply to more than 130 thousand people living in the territory of other districts as well as establishing energy infrastructure to supply industrial and investment sites of the Republic.