Specialists of Rosseti Kuban became gold medalists in the competition “Leaders of Power Engineering”

Employees of the Sochi branch of Rosseti Kuban, the Head of Sector of Retrofitting and Upgrading of Power Grid Facilities Alexei Lobanov and the Head of Operative Dispatching Service Dmitry Krutov became the winners of the All-Russian competition “Leaders of Power Engineering”. Awarding of winners and meeting with top managers of Rosseti Group took place in Moscow on Energy Day.

The meeting was attended by First Deputy General Director - Executive Director Andrei Murov, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer Andrei Mayorov, Deputy Director General for Investments, Capital Construction and Implementation of Services Alexei Molskiy and Temporarily Acting Deputy General Director for Digital Transformation Konstantin Kravchenko.

The main topics of the meeting were the current issues of the electric grid complex and the prospects for its development until 2035, the role of the Rosseti Group in the energy transition, and the implementation of the ESG agenda. They also discussed current training requirements for power engineers of the future, in-demand working professions in the long term, the development of educational system and training of the staff taking into account the challenges of time.

The competition “Leaders of Power Engineering” was held in the following directions: “Service implementation and electricity metering”, “Technological Management”, “Digital transformations”. Qualifying events were held during the year. Intellectual assessment, professional competences of participants, management potential and teamwork skills were evaluated based on the year results. Contestants completed the main tasks remotely.

“The competition was high, and 3,440 energy workers of Fuel & Energy Complex Companies fought for victory this year. This project is important for the Rosseti Group. It allows us to find talented, motivated and high-potential specialists to solve actual problems of the industry, including those related to the network adaption to the energy transition. This is a possibility for participants to increase competencies and realize their career potential”, Andrei Murov noted.

All winners of the competition are included in the management personnel reserve of the Rosseti Group. In addition, they received educational grants and certificates for access to the electronic library, that will allow to implement the individual development program and competency enhancement.

"Leaders of Power Engineering" is the first industry project that is carried out according to the methodology of the "Leaders of Russia" competition. It was organized by PJSC Rosseti in cooperation with the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization (ANO) "Russia — the Country of Opportunities" for mid-level executives to form management inventories of talented and motivated specialists and create " upward mobility" for energy workers. In 2021, the competition was held for the second time.