Rosseti has become a leader in anti-corruption rating in accordance with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for the second year

The Forum was held in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to discuss practical aspects of implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan. In course of the meeting, the results of the second anti-corruption rating of Russian business were presented. Rosseti got the highest estimates, and its rating remains highest among the leaders of rating, which indicates a high level of organization of work and special attention of management to the issues regarding the Anti-Corruption Policy.

Six companies-participants received the highest score in 2021 rating (the previous year - four companies, including PJSC Rosseti). In total, 59 major Russian companies participated in the research.

In accordance with 37 criteria, the presence of anti-corruption management at the strategic and operational level, the inclusion of anti-corruption in the risk management system, staff awareness, etc. were taken into consideration.

PJSC Rosseti carries out a set of measures of anti-corruption compliance with requirements of the National Anti-Corruption Plan. A single Anti-Corruption Policy, the Code of Corporate Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Employees as well as other local acts have been put into effect in Rosseti Group.

Important areas of work include declaring of income, property and liabilities of managing directors,

anti-corruption control over procurement activity, prevention and resolution of conflict of interest including the use of special-purpose e-services.

In addition, the Rosseti Group is actively implementing educational programs that contribute to the development of anti-corruption culture and allow to form a responsible attitude of workers. In 2020, more than 189,000 employees underwent online Anti-Corruption Online Training.