Rosseti Kuban is carrying out a pilot project “Vision Zero”

Employees of the occupational safety and manufacturing supervision department of Rosseti Kuban took part in the online conference “Labor, Protection and Safety! Electric Power Industry”. It was held as a part of a business program of the forthcoming international specialized exhibition “Occupational Health and Safety” (BIOT-2021) organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (SIZ Association). As a part of the conference, Rosseti Group introduced the implementation pilot project of a zero accident concept Vision Zero, which is also being implemented in Rosseti Kuban.

The Deputy Director of PJSC Rosseti branch - Technological Supervision Center Dmitriy Ulrikh spoke about the concept Vision Zero (zero accident) and emphasized three major concepts: safety, occupational hygiene and employee well-being at work.

According to Dmitriy Ulrikh, one of the main principles of the zero-accident concept is to provide employees with high-quality, certified, ergonomic and convenient personal protective equipment. As an example of the implementation of this direction, the first All-Russian Review Competition of electrical safety devices, protective devices and personal protective equipment against falls from a height was marked by the Rosseti group.

The Review Competition was organized be Rosseti at the end of August 2020. It was attended by 179 technical managers of Rosseti and about 200 representatives of manufacturers of personal protective equipment.

The best practices in the implementation of the concept Vision Zero by the subsidiaries and affiliates of Rosseti Group were considered at the conference. More specifically, a pilot project on this concept is currently being implemented in Rosseti Kuban in the territory of Krasnodar Region and other subsidiaries of Rosseti Group. Pilot implementation was carried out in Rosseti South company, where there have been no accidents at work since 2018 and until now.