Rosseti Kuban mounted 2,8 thousand smart meters in the south-west energy area

Since the beginning of 2021, specialists of the south-west branch office of Rosseti Kuban mounted 2,8 thousand smart meters. Smart meters were mounted for consumers in the suburbs of Anapa, Novorossiysk, as well as Abinskiy and Krymskiy districts of Krasnodar region. Metering devices with an option to remote data communications were mounted for consumers of the Company without charge.

New smart meters automatically send out readings to the master server of the company with a help of a set of high-tech devices combined into a single network. Then that data comes into the power sales companies available for making bills for payment. That means that inspectors do not visit the owners of new smart meters.

Moreover, the intellectual energy accounting system enables customers to save money. Smart meters can be programmed for accounting in accordance with the time periods. The customers can shift their energy use to off-peak times and use more flexible tariff. The electric grid company (the owner of smart meters) is fully responsible for maintenance, calibration and repair of metering devices.

“Installation of smart meters not only significantly improves the quality and accuracy of accounting, but also makes it possible to identify electrical energy losses, and also eliminates the risk of any interference with the energy metering devices”, the Director of the South-West Electrical Networks Vladimir Lebedev noted.

Specialists are planning to install about five thousand smart meters in the area of responsibility of the South-West Electrical Networks before the end of the year

A smart meter is an energy metering device based on the microprocessor device operating in compliance with specific algorithms and provided with additional functions (built-in load relay, electronic seals used for opening the terminal cover and the count’s hull, electric power quality indicators control and magnetic field control and etc.) having options (communications channel(s)) for inclusion in the automated gathering system of accounting information;

A smart meter is an electric meter approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2020 No. 890m “On procedure for granting access to the minimum set of functions of smart energy meters (capacity)”.