Rosseti Kuban took special control of power supply to the venues for holding 2021 Russian Grand Prix Formula 1

As part of preparation for 2021 Russian Grand Prix Formula 1, which will be held from September 23 to September 26 in Sochi, specialists of Sochi branch of Rosseti Kuban carried out unscheduled inspection of power equipment with the usage of heat monitoring to maintain the reliable and uninterruptible power supply to infrastructure facilities of the competition.

Additional workplace trainings and instructions were carried out for technical staff in Sochi Electrical Networks. Energy workers constantly cooperate with the organizers of 2021 Russian Grand Prix Formula 1, the city administration, law enforcement authorities and regional offices of civil defense and emergency situations.

To maintain the uninterruptible power supply to infrastructure facilities of 2021 Russian Grand Prix Formula 1, substation services employees and mobile brigades on an operational basis were on duty at the power facilities that located in the area of responsibility of Rosseti Kuban. The redundant capacity is provided by diesel generators.

Employees of the branch of Rosseti Kuban has great experience in organizing the power supply of the largest political, sports, educational and entertainment events in the energy area of Sochi. Specialists in energetics control uninterruptible power supply to the largest Olympic facilities and venues for prominent all-Russian and international events. These events include Kinotavr, New Wave, Heat, Boogel Woogel and others, as well as business and political forums.