Specialists of Rosseti Kuban terminated 900 cases of energy theft

Since the beginning of 2021, specialists of Rosseti Kuban revealed 904 cases of energy theft in the territory of Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygeya. The damage caused to the power grid amounted to 222 million rubles. The relevant statements regarding the reveled cases of the unaccounted electric energy consumption were sent to the law enforcement authorities.

Unaccounted and noncontractual electric power consumption are the most common energy stealing methods. Since the beginning of the year, Rosseti Kuban revealed 754 cases of unaccounted electric energy consumption amounted to 92 million rubles and 150 cases of noncontractual electric power consumption the damage resulting from which amounted to about 129,5 million rubles.

Moreover, 601 cases of administrative proceedings were instituted against these offenders. Administrative proceedings were brought against 415 offenders.

Besides, the criminal case was initiated by the department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation in Ust-Labinsk district in respect of the noncontractual electric power consumption amounted to more than 381 thousand rubles in accordance with Part 1 Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Unauthorized connection to the networks is a violation of established procedure for connecting consumer equipment to electric grid facilities, which causes a decrease in the reliability of electric power supply to consumers. Besides, unauthorized connection in most cases is performed with gross violations of safety rules and with a health and life risk.

To terminate the unwarranted electric power consumption, energy workers are implementing a whole range of organizational and technical measures, including regular inspections, planned and extraordinary inspections of metering devices, installation of anti-magnetic seals and automation of energy accounting.

Rosseti Kuban reminds that legislation of the Russian Federation provides for severe penalty in respect of persons who illegally consume electricity. Besides, compensation for damage for electricity theft, the violators are held administratively liable with a payment of fine. The non-consensual connection to electrical networks and off-the-meter electrical energy usage are subject to imposition of administrative fine on individuals in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles; on legal entities in the amount of 100-200 thousand rubles.

The energy workers call upon everyone who has become aware of energy theft cases, unwarranted connection to electric networks, to call by free 24-hour telephone hotline of Rosseti Kuban 8-800-220-0-220 and provide information on such facts (anonymity is guaranteed).