Rosseti Kuban increased the reliability of power supply to 500 thousand consumers in Krasnodar energy area

Rosseti Kuban increased the reliability of power supply to 500 thousand consumers in Krasnodar energy area. This enabled to increase the reliability of power supply to 500 thousand domestic and a number of industrial consumers in the suburb of Krasnodar, and Dinskoy, Severskiy and Goryacheklyuchevskiy districts adjacent to Krasnodar Region, as well as Takhtamukaysky and Teuchezhskiy districts of the Republic of Adygeya.

Among the key supply centers, where equipment maintenance and repair were carried out, are ‘Yuzhnaya’, ‘Naberezhnaya’ and ‘Voengorodok’ substations 110 kV in Krasnodar, ‘Novovelichkovskaya’ and ‘Titorovskaya’ substations in Dinskoy district, and ‘Krasnaya’ substation 35 kV in Severskiy district of Kuban.

In accordance with the approved schedule of repair program, specialists carried out a set of technical measures on repair of main and auxiliary equipment, and carried out maintenance of protective relay and automation, communication and teleautomatics. In completion of repair works, specialists of the insulation and surge protection service carried out a test of the oil-filled equipment.

In total, during 2021, specialists of Krasnodar branch of Rosseti Kuban will repair 35 key supply centers and more than 140 transformer substations. This will increase the quality and reliability of power supply to all types of consumers of the Krasnodar energy area, as well as ensuring the equipment readiness of the integrated power grid for accident-free passing of autumn and winter seasons.