Krasnodar branch of Rosseti Kuban increased reliability of power supply to consumers of six districts of Kuban and the Republic of Adygeya

Since the beginning of 2021, the specialists of Krasnodar branch of Rosseti Kuban repaired 177 km of high-voltage transmission lines and changed more than 100 km of the conductor used for overhead transmission lines based on different levels. The executed works increased reliability of power supply to consumers in the suburbs of Krasnodar, Dinskoy, Severskiy, Goryacheklyuchevskiy districts of Krasnodar region, as well as Teuchezhskiy and Takhtamukayskiy districts of the Republic of Adygeya.

In the process of implementation of maintenance program, the specialists changed 6 km of overhead ground-wire in overhead transmission lines on a regular basis. The main purpose of ground wire is to protect the power lines conductors from direct lightning strokes. The wire is usually made up of galvanised steel and it is resistant to lightning impulse or corrosion.

More than 7.5 thousand obsolete porcelain insulators were replaced by the new ones made of tempered glass. The glass insulators have high strength, and they are resistant to changes in temperature and environmental effects. In addition, glass insulation defects can be detected visually without the use of special diagnostics, which significantly reduces operating costs and ensures timely repair of power equipment.

To ensure the proper functioning of electrical networks, especially during the period of adverse weather conditions, about 50 hectares of protective zones of overhead transmission lines were cleared in Krasnodar energy area. Clearing of overhead line routes from trees and shrubs significantly reduces the probability of emergency situations in electrical networks caused by falling of the trees and branches.

High-quality and timely execution of the repair works makes it possible to ensure the proper operation of power facilities, reduce the probability of power outages and prepare the power complex for successful completion of autumn-winter peak loads.