The meeting of health and safety inspectors was held in Krasnodar Electrical Networks

In 2021, the first meeting of health and safety inspectors was held in Krasnodar branch office of Rosseti Kuban. The representative of the Electric Trade Union, Deputy Chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organization Lyudmila Belousova and Deputy Chief Engineer - Head of Service of Occupational Safety and Production Supervision Vladimir Bandurko took part at the meeting.

The meeting attendees considered a number of organizational issues as well as examined in detail the role and rights of the designated person in the system of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, its core functions. They noted the main directions of prospective development of the branch office for the forthcoming year.

The representative of the Electric Trade Union Lyudmila Belousova highlighted the significance of the health and safety inspectors in her statement.

“Being among the employees of your business unit, you, more than anyone, can influence the attitude of employees to the safety issues and the necessity to comply with requirements of labor protection on a daily basis”, Lyudmila Belousova noted. “Therefore, staff health maintenance and working capacity depends to a large extent on your professional work”, Lyudmila Belousova said.

The trade union control in Krasnodar Electrical Networks is carried out by fifteen health and safety inspectors. Among the representatives of public control are workers, engineers and technical employees, members of the Electric Trade Union that speak on behalf of the employees. Their major task is to exercise public control over the compliance with the legal rights of the interests of employees in the field of labor protection.

At the end of the event, the Head of Service of Occupational Safety and Production Supervision Vladimir Bandurko answered all questions regarding the regulatory requirements of labor protection and exhorted the health and safety inspectors to enhance monitoring as well as being extremely careful and categorical in correcting violations in compliance with labor protection standards.