Since the beginning of 2021, specialists of Sochi Branch of Rosseti Kuban have recovered in legal form more than 5,5 million rubles of losses from unauthorized use of energy.

In total, since the beginning of the year, more than twenty facts of unauthorized use of energy have been revealed as a result of inspections in Sochi and Tuapsinsky districts. Four facts are related to the lack of a contract, another 16 – to interference to the system of energy accounting. The total amount of unaccounted electric energy exceeded 639 thousand kilowatt-hours. Specialists passed information on violations identified to the administration of the city and law enforcement authorities for further actions.

Both noncontractual and unaccounted electric power consumption is illegal. Noncontractual consumption includes unwarranted connection to electric networks or the absence of a concluded contract with the guaranteeing supplier (Energy Sales Company). Specialists include any type of interference in the work of the metering devices or electric power metering schemes.

“In the list of violators not only residents of private residences, but also business owners, trade outlets, cafes and hotels. A matter of particular concern are new buildings connected to the networks in violation of law. Their future residents risk of being left without electricity. Specialists of Sochi electrical networks use all reasonable efforts to prevent negative consequences, drawing the attention of the city administration, law enforcement agencies and supervisory bodies”, First Deputy CEO of Rosseti Kuban Edgar Armaganyan emphasized.

In addition to serious damage to the budget of the electric grid company, the violators uncontrollably increase the load on the network. This reduces the reliability and quality of power supply, which as a result leads to emergency situations. Moreover, by interfering with electric power metering schemes, violators threaten their own health and life.

In accordance with the applicable laws, the network organization is obliged to disconnect immediately an unwarranted facility connected to the electrical network. Violators will have to pay for the damage caused and they are administratively liable with a fine. In case of major damage, violators are subject to criminal liability. The amount of the fine for violators is from 10 to 300 thousand rubles.