Power Engineering Specialists have restored power supply of Sochi populated areas and continue working on separate consumers’ applications.

On the night of February 19th (about 2:00 Moscow time), power engineering specialists provided power supply to all the village settlements of Sochi energy area which had been affected by bad weather, through the primary distribution network or by means of movable standby power sources.

At the same time, specialists continue working on separate local applications and requests coming from residential users and residents of private residences.

Let us remember that some rural settlements of Khostinskiy and central areas of Sochi most affected by the disaster. Diesel generators are temporarily used there while the power engineering specialists continue to eliminate violations on the lines. The consumers will be transferred to the main power supply schemes after carrying out repair works.   

In total, 173 persons as part of 51 emergency teams of Rosseti Kuban were involved in repair works at the facilities of integrated power grid and elimination of consequences of weather patterns in Sochi energy area.

Power engineering specialists work closely with administration of Sochi and inner-city areas, regional office of Ministry of Emergency Situations and emergency service “Kuban-Spas”. 57 pieces of heavy equipment are used.