Rosseti Kuban trains the specialists for work under voltage

Rosseti Kuban is the first in Rosseti group to begin professional training of specialists for work under voltage. Today, the CEO of Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev personally appreciated the learning process at the training ground of the corporate power engineering institute and talked to the listeners of the unique education program.

The CEO made the acquaintance of the work of the Base Center for training of specialists for work under voltage, which was set up in Krasnodar on the basis of the Engineering Institute of Advanced Training.

New training equipment of the institute makes it possible to significantly expand the fields of education of energy workers of Krasnodar region, the Republic of Adygeya and the South of Russia in accordance with the requirements of professional standards and the programme of Rosseti group “Digital transformation 2030”.

The main advantage of work under voltage is the production of technical measures without electrical power outage for consumers which means that it minimizes discomfort. In total, during 2021, it is planned to train thirty-five brigades of energy workers based on the corporate power engineering institute.

Nowadays, the specialists of Krasnodar, Sochi, South-West power networks and a subsidiary of “Energoservice of Kuban” are undergoing training in the new program.