Rosseti Kuban is going to invest 5,4 billion rubles in development of energy complex of the Republic of Adygeya

Rosseti Kuban is going to invest 5,4 billion rubles in development of energy complex of the Republic of Adygeya in the next 5 years. The Governor of the Republic of Adygeya Murat Kumpilov and the CEO of Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev have discussed the prospects of modernization of the energy infrastructure in the territory of the Republic of Adygeya during the meeting.

In 2020, the cooperation agreement was concluded between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Adygeya, Rosseti group and Rosseti Kuban in order to implement the investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Adygeya.

In 2021, the energy workers are planning to perform a large-scale reconstruction with the increase in the capacity of substation 110 kV “Adygeyskaya” and 35 kV “Kuzhorskaya”. In 2022, modernization of six more key main substations is planned: substations 110 kV “Cheremushki” and “Severnaya” as well as reconstructing substations 35 kV “Enem”, “Kombizavod” (Feed mill), “Tulskaya”, “Sadovaya”.

The reconstruction of substation 110 kV IKEA is planned for 2023, as well as the construction of the transmission line 110 kV “Novaya-Zapadnaya-2” and the reconstruction of distribution network 10 kV adjacent to substation 110 kV “IKEA” including from substations 110 kV “Termneft”, “Naberezhnaya”, “Zapadnaya-2 “and 35 kV “Khomuty”.

The implementation of these projects will provide an increase in generating capacities by 195 MVA by 2023. This will create an opportunity for connecting new domestic and industrial consumers.

Let us remember that Rosseti Kuban invested 1,1 billion rubles for development of integrated power grid of the Republic of Adygeya in 2018-2020. Today, 45,6 thousand new smart energy meters were installed for the Company’s consumers. Actual electric power losses were decreased by 103 million kWh which is about 370 million rubles of savings. These funds are intended for development of Adygeya power grid infrastructure.