Rosseti Kuban began modernization of substation “Pochtovaya” in Krasnodar.

The large-scale reconstruction began at one of the most important power facilities in Krasnodar – substation 110 kV “Pochtovaya”. The supply centre capacity which provides power supply to citizens of the Hidrostroiteley micro-district, will be increased by a third after modernization and will amount to 80 MVA.

Today, the CEO of Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev held an offsite production meeting involving the executive managers at the facility, during which he appraised the readiness for implementation of measures on reconstruction of the supply center.

To minimize inconvenience for consumers, the reconstruction of power facility will take place in several stages, during which one of the power transformers will remain in operation and provide power supply to the micro-district.

The CEO of the energy company instructed the executive managers to strictly follow the approved schedule.

During reconstruction, the transformers with greater capacity and gas-insulated equipment will be installed, automatic control system of power facility, teleautomatics and communication will be modernized at the substation “Pochtovaya”.

Substation “Pochtovaya” provides electricity to more than 75 thousand citizens of Hidrostroiteley micro-district, fifteen social facilities, including schools, out-patient clinics and boiler-houses.