Rosseti Kuban has received the passport of readiness for the winter period

The CEO of Rosseti Pavel Livinskiy handed over the passport of readiness for the autumn-winter period of 2020/2021 to the CEO of Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev. The decision on the readiness of electric power industry entities is drawn up by the Order of the Ministry of Energy "On the results of assessing the readiness of electric power industry entities for work in the heating season of 2020-2021."

For providing reliable electric power supply to consumers in the period of peak loads in the territory of Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygeya, Rosseti Kuban carried out repairs on 459 power transformers, 11,891 km of overhead lines, 2,029 transformer substations. 1,942 hectares of cuttings were cleared, 6,572 electrical transmission towers were replaced.

Emergency supply has been fully formed. 392 emergency response teams (including 22 mobile ones), 1,801 members of production staff and 715 pieces of heavy equipment have been prepared. 120 power sources with a total capacity of 13.1 MW are in reserve.

"Kuban is the southernmost and warmest region of Russia. After the end of the resort season, the Company's priority is to pass successfully an equally responsible period - the heating season. This year, preparation for winter, as in many regions of our country, is carried out under conditions of active constraints. We are fully aware of our responsibility to the electric lighting and heating in the houses of citizens of Kuban and the Republic of Adygeya, we also completed, and for some indicators, exceeded the repair program plan. The Company invested almost 3 billion rubles in repair and maintenance of power facilities. Means and efforts which were devoted to this work is a guarantee of power supply reliability of our consumers in the forthcoming winter”, the CEO of Rosseti Kuban PJSC Sergey Sergeev noted.

The fully readiness of Rosseti group of companies for heating season of 2020/2021 in all eighty regions where it operates, was formerly approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Rosseti Kuban PJSC is responsible for electric power transmission through the networks with a voltage of 110 kV and lower in the territory of Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygeya. Rosseti Kuban is part of the Rosseti group. There are eleven electric grid branch offices as a part of power grid. The total length of transmission lines is up to 90 thousand km. The square of service area is 83,8 thousand km with population more than six million people.