The CEO of Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev took part in the reporting meeting of rostechnadzor in Pyatigorsk.

The general director of the energy company Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev took part in the meeting of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) following the results of control and supervision activities in the area of federal energy supervision, supervision of the safety of hydraulic engineering structures in 2019 and problems for 2020. The event is taking place from February 26 to February 28 in Pyatigorsk.  

The meeting is attended by the Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of PJSC Rosseti Andrey Mayorov, managers and chief engineers of subsidiaries of Rosseti.

As a part of the meeting the CEO of Rosseti Kuban Sergey Sergeev presented the report on preparation and maintaining the reliability of electric power supply of the objects of the Sirius Park of Science and Art and the Olympic Park in Sochi, the largest resort city in Russia, during the Russia-Africa Summit.

“The energy company Rosseti Kuban has performed a wide range of organizational and technical measures on maintaining the uninterruptible power supply of infrastructure and the venues for Summit”, Sergey Sergeev stressed. 400 employees of the energy company Rosseti Kuban as a part of 77 brigades, and also reserves of power supply, more than 70 units of auto and heavy equipment provide energy security of measures in the energy area of Sochi. There was no interruption of electric power supply during the Economic Forum and Russia-Africa Summit. 

The Economic Forum and Russia-Africa Summit took place from October 23 to October 24 2019 in the territory of the Sirius Park of Science and Art (the main media center) in Sochi. More than six thousand participants and media representatives from Russia and 104 foreign countries and territories visited the Forum. The President of the Russian Federation, heads of states of the African continent, representatives of Russian, African and international business, managers of international organizations took part in the summit events.