Rosseti Kuban is a prize winner in MediaTEK-2019 Contest

The results of the regional stage of the 5th Russian contest among mass media and PR departments of companies in fuel and energy complex and local government authorities “MEDIA TEK-2019” have been summed up. The jury highly praised six projects of Rosseti Kuban, so the projects made their way to the federal stage of the contest.

The Company presented its projects in nominations: “The Best PR Department in Fuel&Energy Complex”, “Modern Industry and Development of Fuel&Energy Complex”, “Social and Environmental Initiative”, “Promotion of Professions in Fuel&Energy Complex”, “Safe Energy”, and “Best Corporate Mass Media”. 

The main purpose of the contest is to inspire the interest of media representatives in the activities of energy companies and profession of an energy worker, as well as to choose from among PR Departments of energy companies the best methods in informing the public on innovative development of the energy industry.

The organizer of the regional stage of the contest was the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Krasnodar Region together with State Public Institution of the Krasnodar Region “Agency of Fuel and Energy Complex”.

The winners of the regional stage of the contest will be awarded on 28 September 2019 at the Theater Square in Krasnodar as part of the Russian Festival of Energy Saving #BrighterTogether.