Rosseti Kuban team on inspection of power facilities in Chelyabinsk region

A team from Rosseti Kuban has arrived in Chelyabinsk region to take part in the Russian Competition ‘Leaders of Power Industry’. Currently, at the facilities of Rosseti Ural, over 300 contestants from affiliated companies of Rosseti compete in audit of power facilities. Of 300 contestants participating in this stage of the Competition, 17 are from Rosseti Kuban.

On 19-28 August, the participants will conduct audit at production units of Zlatoust electric networks and its districts: Chebarkulsky, Zlatoust, Kusinsky, and Uysky. Power engineers will inspect overhead and cable lines, substations, equipment and check documentation.

Mikhail Olkhovsky, Head of Yeisk branch of Leningradskiye electric networks (Rosseti Kuban), said: “Together with the specialists from Chebarkulsky distribution zone we have already inspected eight kilometres of 6kV power line. In the course of inspection, we detected some defects, photographed them and made an entry on it in an inspection journal. Then all collected data will be transferred to checklist and submitted to team leads – representatives of regional department of engineering supervision – to assess the contestants.”

After this stage of the Competition, the participants will step up to the final stage at ice arena ‘Traktor’ as part of Russian Convention ‘Leaders of Power Industry’ in Chelyabinsk.