Sergey Sergeyev, Director General of Rosseti Kuban, visits main substations in Adygea

Sergey Sergeyev, Director General of Rosseti Kuban, has conducted an inspection tour and personally assessed technical condition of the main substations of Krasnodar and Adygea branches located on the territory of the Republic of Adygea.

The inspection tour included nines substations of 35-110kV: ‘IKEA’, ‘Adygeiskaya’, ‘Cheremushki’, ‘Severnaya’, ‘Enem’, ‘Sadovaya’, ‘Tulskaya’, ‘Kushorskaya’, and ‘Kombizavod’.

Some of the substations are included in a large investment programme, the implementation of which will increase their capacity and, therefore, provide an opportunity for technological connection of new consumers.

For instance, our power engineers plan to install modern digital equipment and more powerful transformers at substation ‘IKEA’, which brings electricity to local houses and shopping and entertainment centre ‘Mega Adygea’. This upgrade will increase several times the capacity of the substation.

At the substation ‘Adygeiskaya’ with a total capacity of 32 MVA, it is planned to install two transformers of 25 MVA each. The increase in additional capacity will be about 40%.

It is planned to install digital equipment, new power transformers at the substation ‘Enem’ in Takhtamukay district. As a result, the total capacity of the supply centre will be 20 MVA, which is almost twice as large as the existing one.

More powerful transformers will be installed at the 110 kV ‘Cheremushki’, ‘Severnaya’, 35 kV ‘Sadovaya’, ‘Tulskaya’, ‘Kuzhorskaya’, and ‘Kombizavod’ substations.

Among the priority tasks outlines by Sergey Sergeyev for the management and technical team of the Krasnodar and Adygea branches of the company are the development of measures to increase capacities of supply centers, taking into account the degree of their load, and timely preparation for the autumn-winter period 2019/2020.

Andrei Gerasko, Director of Krasnodar electric networks, and Inver Natho, Director of Adygea electric networks, reported to the General Director on the progress in the project on modernization of power facilities, fulfilling repair, and observance of winter preparation schedules.