Yevgeny Pervyshev, mayor of Krasnodar, and Sergey Sergeyev, CEO of Rosseti Kuban, discussed development of the city’s power system.

At the working meeting at the city administration, Yevgeny Pervyshev, mayor of Krasnodar, and Sergey Sergeyev, CEO of Rosseti Kuban, have discussed the future development of the power grid of Krasnodar and its suburbs.

The meeting was also attended by Andrei Doroshev, Deputy Mayor, Vladislav Bely, Director of the Department of Urban Economy and Fuel and Energy Complex, Igor Shishigin, Deputy General Director for Technical Issues – Chief Engineer of Rosseti Kuban, Victor Korzhanevsky, Acting Deputy Director General for Investments at Rosseti Kuban, and Andrey Gerasko, Director of Krasnodar Electric Networks.

Yevgeny Pervyshev, mayor of Krasnodar, said: “The governor has set a task for us to settle a proper timing of activities of the city administration with utility providers. Now I see that the plans of the city coincide with the company’s interest in achieving good results from which, first of all, the citizens will benefit. Therefore, we need to discuss ways of integrated development of the power supply system of Krasnodar. As I have already said, we are also ready to help with allotment of land plots, determining traces for the passage of overhead and cable lines. In the future, by joining forces we will achieve a reduction in accident rate, set a balanced load distribution at substations, and, of course, create new jobs.”

Sergey Sergeyev, CEO of Rosseti Kuban, stated: “Being a company with high level of social responsibility, we set for us priority tasks in maintaining an active pace of work and completion of power upgrade projects within the set deadlines – these are the main factors for ensuring reliable energy supply to consumers. In 2019, as part of investment programme, the specialists of Rosseti Kuban plan to upgrade eight main substations in Krasnodar and its suburbs.”

Rosseti Kuban plans to upgrade main substations in Krasnodar: “Severnaya”, “OBD”, “Loris”, “Severo-Vostochnaya”, “Voengorodok”, “Vostochnaya”, “Pochtovaya” and “Zapadnaya-2”. Our seacoasts are completing installation of two transformers with a capacity of 40 MVA each at 110kV substation “OBD” to alomost triple its capacity. A new transformer with a capacity of 40 MVA will be installed at 110 kV substation “Severnaya”. It is planned to increase the capacity of 110kV “Loris” substation, which supplies the village Industrialny; there it is planned to replace the existent transformer with a more powerful one – a 40 MVA transformer, and also install an additional one – 25 MVA. A large amount of work is planned for construction of 110kV branch cable lines from “Krasnodar TPP – ZIP”, “OBD – Severnaya” (2.5 km) and “Loris – Pashkovskaya” to “Vostochnaya Promzona” substation. Another project for 2019 is the construction of two cable lines of 110kV “Vostochnaya Promzona – Severnaya” with the total length of 7.6 km.