Sergey Sergeyev, CEO of Rosseti Kuban, on inspection tour at the main substations and load centers in Krasnodar

Sergey Sergeyev, Director General of Rosseti Kuban, has conducted an inspection tour at the load centers and key substations of the region’s capital and its suburbs.

The head of the company visited 110 kV “OBD” and “Severnaya” substations, checked the progress of reconstruction of the load centers, construction of cable lines from 220kV “Vostochnaya Promzona” substation, and talked with technical managers and operating and dispatching personnel.

Andrey Gerasko, Director of Krasnodar Electric Networks, reported to the head of the company on observance of the schedules of substation upgrade projects.

Sergey Sergeyev marked keeping the active pace of work and completion of the reconstruction within the deadlines as priority tasks, because these are the main factors of ensuring reliable energy supply to consumers in the region’s capital and its suburbs.

In 2019, as part of production activities, the specialists of Rosseti Kuban plan to upgrade seven main substations in Krasnodar: “Severnaya”, “OBD”, “Loris”, “Kalinino”, “Voengorodok”, “Vostochnaya”, and “Zapadnaya-2”. A new transformer with a capacity of 40 megavolt-amperes will be installed at 110 kV substation “Severnaya”.

Currently, installation of two transformers of 40 MVA each is being completed at the 110kV substation “OBD” –  thus, its capacity will almost triple.

It is planned to increase the capacity of 110kV “Loris” substation, which supplies the village Industrialny; there it is planned to replace the existent transformer with a more powerful one – a 40 MVA transformer, and also install an additional one – 25 MVA.

A large amount of work is planned for construction of 110kV branch cable lines from “Krasnodar TPP – ZIP”, “OBD – Severnaya” (2.5 km) and “Loris – Pashkovskaya” to “Vostochnaya Promzona” substation. The total investment in these projects will be about 600 million rubles.

Another project for 2019 is the construction of two cable lines of 110kV “Vostochnaya Promzona – Severnaya” with the total length of 7.6 km. The total investments will exceed 900 million rubles.