As part of his working visit to Slavyansk district, Sergey Sergeyev has inspected substation ‘Port’ on the Taman Peninsula

Sergey Sergeyev, Director General of Rosseti Kuban, when visiting Slalyansk electric networks inspected 220kV substation ‘Port’ on the Taman Peninsula. Also, the head of the Company participated in two video conferencing meetings hosted by substation ‘Port’.

This substation was commissioned this year, in March, and is intended to meet the growing demand for electricity on the Taman Peninsula. The facility is unique in southern Russia and stands out for its cutting edge hi-tech equipment, and digital technologies.

Together with the management officials of the branch, Sergey Sergeyev inspected equipment, appraised the digital technologies applied at the substation, and potential of this new facility created to develop the infrastructure and business on the Taman Peninsula.        

Sergey Sergeyev participated in two video conferencing meetings hosted by substation ‘Port’: Implementation of the grid connection contracts concluded with ‘Directorate of the state customer for realization of the Federal target program ‘Modernization of transport system of Russia’ (FTI ‘Rostransmodernizatsiya’), and Increase of increase of non-tariff revenue.

After the inspection of substation ‘Port’, Timur Glushko, Deputy Director General for Special Projects – Head of Slavyansk branch of Rosseti Kuban, reported Sergey Sergeyev on the course of preparation of to this autumn-winter season and told about the immediate plans.