PR-team of Rosseti Kuban joins Regional Association of Press Services

The Association was established under the authority of the Kuban Union of Journalists. The first meeting at the premises of the Kuban Youth Association gathered over a hundred of press officers, spokesmen, and specialists from PR departments of various companies.

Diana Gorban, Chairperson of the Union of Journalists, said: “Our media and press services have a lot of questions for each other, which can and should be discussed. The association will unite press services for interaction with the media community and exchange of experience.”

Alexandra Kosheleva, Chairperson of the Kuban Association of Press Services and Deputy Chief Editor of “Kubanskiye Novosti”, added: “This Association will help us solve certain tasks, gain experience and knowledge useful for our professional activities. We plan to arrange seminars, invite lecturers from the spheres of PR and new technologies. It is also meant to help with human resources. Department of Journalism of Kuban State University expressed its interest in this particular topic. We ponder over the possibility of creating a job bank and talent pipeline.”

At the meeting, it was resolved to set a list of contacts of the region’s press services and post news of press services at the website of the Kuban Union of Journalists. The Association has already planned some events: meeting with the region’s best press services and a regional contest “The Best Press Service of the Krasnodar Region”. The organizing committee has been formed and it includes: Mikhail Sidorov, Press Secretary of NCSP Group; Vladimir Sadym, Head of Public Relations Department of Rosseti Kuban (Kubanenergo PJSC); Konstantin Kreknin, Head of Public Relations Department of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Krasnodar; Yulia Gololobova, Head of Unit for Advertising and Public Relations of the Krasnodar branch of Medical Radiotherapy Center “MLTs”.


Photo by: Kuban Union of Journalists