Rosseti Kuban have repaired two large substations in Mostovskoy and Labinsk districts

Specialists from Labinsk power networks (branch of Rosseti Kuban) have completed essential repair project at 100kV substations “Mostvskaya” and “Labinsk-1”. These power facilities keep lights on for 24 thousand residents and 20 critical infrastructure facilities in Mostovskoy and Labinsk districts of the Krasnodar region. 

Our power engineers repaired static capacitor batteries at 110kV “Mostovskaya” and “Labinsk-1” substations. These installations by balancing reactive power, significantly reduce the load and stabilize the voltage level in the network.

Alexander Popovich, Head of Service unit for 35kV or lower voltage substations, said: “The good condition of static capacitor batteries guarantees the reduction of electricity losses, increases the capacity of electrical network without increasing the capacity of power equipment, thereby increasing the quality of electricity supplied to consumers.”

Also, power engineers replaced 110kV bushings at “Mostovskaya” substation. The useful life of the existing equipment has expired and needed to be replaced. New high-voltage bushings have high refractory qualities and virtually eliminate the risk of fire. Even in case of a breakdown inside the tank of a power transformer, the high-voltage bushing, acting as a “plug”, prevents entry of oxygen into the tank and, therefore, ignition of transformer oil. In operation, such equipment requires minimal maintenance, and its estimated service life is over 40 years.