Rosseti – a single name for the electric grid complex of Russia

At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum – 2019 (SPIEF-2019), Rosseti Group has presented a new unified brand architecture of the Group.

Starting from June 2019, all transmission and distribution companies will start using a new name for corporate and marketing communications, and corporate media. The new name will contain the trade mark “Rosseti” and regional and functional reference.

The new branch architecture was approved by the Board of Directors of Rosseti on 29 April 2019 and will gradually replace the existing brands as their depreciation period ends without increasing the current budgets and within the business-plans of the companies.

Pavel Livinsky, the Head of Rosseti, said: “Rosseti Group operates in 80 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, implements unified approaches to management and development of electric grid infrastructure of the country constantly enhancing the quality of its services and widening the range of services. The transition to a single brand architecture is a natural and logical step towards further development of the holding. For consumers from different parts of our country, it is important to understand which company is responsible for reliable and safe electricity supply. It is apparent that the name of such a company should be the same all over the country.”