Digital economy: Kubanenergo shares experience

Employees from Kubanenergo (Rosseti Group) have taken part in the IX International Management Convention in Tula. The event was dedicated to management accounting in economy, manufacturing process management and control. The main theme: chances and risks in digital economy.

Last year Kubanenergo PJSC and its key employees from the management accounting unit became members of Non-Profit Partnership “Association of Controllers”. Participation in this partnership is affiliation with a high-skilled professional community, an opportunity to exchange experience and compare company achievements with other enterprises.

Kubanenergo employees, members of the Association of Controllers, Nadezhda Mayakovskaya, Head of the Management Accounting Department, and Konstantin Dovzhikov, Deputy Head of the Management Accounting Department, presented a report “Management Accounting Practice at Energy Companies – the Influence of Digitalization of Procedures”.

Digital transformation is the process of transforming a company so that to establish a unified information environment, combining various methods and tools for managing data in an enterprise. The concept “Digital Transformation-2030” was adopted by Rosseti Group. The goal of digital transformation in Kubanenergo is to change the flow of processes and switch the company to risk-based management by introducing digital technologies and big data analysis.

In the course of transformation, structured formalized knowledge will be applied. The Management Accounting Department has implemented a pilot project “Knowledge Base”, which unites all knowledge in the Company. The main development perspective of the project is the “delivery” of data to a tablet (augmented reality helmet) of a digital electrician. Provision of data is possible in the context of a specific substation, a specific type of work, territory, etc. This project was presented to participants of the Convention.