PR Department of Kubanenergo wins award at the jubilee KonTEKst Prize-2019

Moscow has hosted the award ceremony of KonTEKst Prize-2019 among journalists and press services of fuel and energy companies.

The KonTEKst comprised of several events: presentation of projects enlisted in the shortlist of the competition, tours around museum of Mosenergo, workshops from the leading Russian experts in public relations, and the award ceremony. The jury of the KonTEKst competition included leading independent PR experts of the fuel and energy sector, representatives of professional associations, unions, and government departments.

The press service of Kubanenergo presented a project on development of human resources “Energetic Generation”, which aims to popularize the profession of power engineers among young people and students.

The tenth jubilee KonTEKst-2019 competition has shown a high level of professionalism and skill of press services and journalists working in the fuel and energy complex. The participants of the forum noted the need to introduce new information technologies in the industry for its successful development, and also noted the need for mutual exchange of experience between colleagues.


Today, the KonTEKst Prize is the only event in the fuel and energy complex, which brings together PR specialists from all sectors of the fuel and energy complex and power industry. The KonTEKst is the official event of the Communications Committee of the Russian Public Relations Association (RPRA). The competition is supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation since 2009. The purpose of the competition is to promote the strategic development of communications in the fuel and energy complex and successfully implement Russia’s strategy in the power industry.