Major repair in the Kavkazsky district

Power engineers from the Armavir branch of Kubanenergo PJSC  (Rosseti Group) have overhauled five power lines of the distribution network and four transformers substations in the Kavkazsky district.

A lot of work has been done in Kavkazskaya village. Here our repair crews replaced 13 pylons and 52 insulators; over one kilometer of cable was replaced by the cable with larger cross-section – this will significantly improve the quality of supply.

In Privokzalny village our specialists repaired an overhead power line: they replaced 6 pylons, more than 40 insulators and 1km of cable as well as installed new service drop wires at households – modern and safe self-supporting insulated wire.

Our specialists maintained the right-of-ways under and around power lines – they cleared 5 hectares from trees vegetation in Kavkazskaya, Temizhbekskaya, and Mirskoy villages.

Repair crews overhauled four transformer substations that keep lights on for homes in Kavkazskaya, Dmitrievskaya, and Privolniy viallges of the Kavkazsky district.

This year, the Armavir branch plans to repair 30km of power lines and 56 transformer substations in Kavkazsky district.