Armavir branch to repair over 1.5 thousand km of power lines

In 2019 engineers from Armavir branch of Kubanenergo PJSC  (Rosseti Group) will repair over 1550km of power lines, ten substations, and 323 transformers in the western part of the region.

Repair work is planned at power lines and major substations. The repair and maintenance crews will replace more than a thousand of old pylons, 224km of conductor, and about 10 thousand insulators on overhead lines. Over 120 hectares of right-of-ways will be cleared from vegetation to minimize risks of disruptions in power supply during bad weather.

Quite an extensive work is planned at a high-voltage line in Otradnensky district: 35 kV “Podgornaya Sinyukha – Mayak”; there the branch will install 38 additional reainforced concrete pylons to reduce spans and protect lines from ice accretion.

Overhaul works are scheduled at the following substations: “Waste Plant” substation in Armavir, “Trekhselskaya” in Uspensky district, “Zabaikalovskaya” and “Biofabrika” in Novokubansk district, “KPTF” and “Ozernaya” in Kavkazsky distrct, “ZhBSh” and “Zavodskaya” in Gulkevichi distrct, and “Otradnaya” and “Maloteginskaya” in Otradnensky district.

Rustam Magdeev, director of the branch, said: “This power upgrade project is meant to make operation of equipment more efficient and improve quality of supply in the district. In 2019 we will invest over 180 million rubles in repair and maintenance works.”

The implementation of all planned activities of the repair programme will significantly increase the reliability and quality of electricity supply to tens of thousands of residential consumers, a number of agricultural producers, and manufacturing enterprises of Kuban.