220km of power lines and 110 transformer substations to be repaired in Temryuk district in 2019

As part of Repair Programme 2019, power engineers from Slavyansk power networks, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC  (Rosseti Group), will replace over 1500 insulators and 228km of overhead power lines in Temryuk district. It is also planned to replace 150 poles and clear 62 hectares of transmission line right-of-ways from vegetation.

First of all, our engineers will repair transformer substations of 0.4/10kV in the following villages: Tamansky (17 transformers), Starotitarovsky (11), Zaporozhsky (14), Novotamansky (11), Fantalovsky (7), Vyshesteblievsky (8), Krasnostrelsky (8). Golubitsky (6), Fanagoriysky (7), Kurchansky (10), Akhtanizovsky (6) and in 5 transformers in Temryuk.

All works performed by the employees of Slavyansk power networks are aimed at provision of reliable supply to homes and businesses, tourist places in coastal area of Temruyk district, Krasnodar region.

Pavel Kozlov, first deputy directors and chief engineer at Slavyansk power networks said: “Our experience has proven that in case of bad weather the majority of power disturbances in distribution network are caused by the trees and branches falling onto the wires and breaking them. That is why we take right-of-way management seriously; we plan to clear in total 62 hectares around protected zone of ovehread power lines.”

This year’s Repair Campaign, essential for reliable and safe supply to our customers, will be carried out across the whole branch’s responsibility area: in Temryuk, Slavayansk and Krasnoarmeisk region.