In Armavir district specialists of Kubanenergo detected electricity thefts totaling 8 million rubles

Investigation conducted by Armavir branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) detected 175 cases when individuals and legal entities consumed electricity without a contract or with bypassing the meter. In total, 3.1 million kWh for the amount of more than 8.8million rubles were illegally consumed in 2018.  

The majority of electricity thefts were detected in Kavkazsky district of the region where 28 dishonest customers illegally used 1.9kWh of electricity for the total sum of 6 million rubles.

Each case of electricity theft was documented. If violators fail to pay the debt voluntary, the case will be moved to court where they will have to bear court expenses as well.

Be aware that punishment for illegal consumption is inevitable. And apart from paying for the damage dealt, the guilty party will be held administratively liable and pay fine. The current RF administrative offences legislation imposes penalty to individuals from 10 to 15 thousand rubles; civil servants from 30 to 80 thousand rubles or disqualification from one to two years; corporate entities from 100 to 200 thousands; in addition to payment for the illegally consumed electricity.

In 2018, in Armavir district, 89 administrative proceedings were commenced and 76 individuals were held responsible.

Please bear in mind that unauthorized connection to power lines, apart from being illegal, poses a danger to society – it can damage equipment and cause short circuit fault, power outages, fires and puts at risk reliable power supply to conscientious customers; there are also cases of trauma and death as a result of electrical injuries.

Kubanenergo launched a 24h free hotline 8-800-100-15-52; each resident of Krasnodar region can report using this line if they suspect or are aware of electricity theft, wire and equipment stealing, cases of vandalism or damage to facilities of Kubanenergo.