Substations in Dinskoy district set to double current capacity

To improve quality and reliability of supply, power engineers from Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) will install new power transformers at five substations in Dinskoy district. Once completed, the upgrades will double the electrical capacity of substations and help eliminate overload of equipment and will create additional capacity for connection new customers.

As of today power upgrade works at 35kV substations “Titarovskaya”, “Novotitarovskaya” and “Agronom-1” are completed. Transformers at two remaining 35kV substations “Agronom-2” and “Dinskaya” will be replaced by the end of December.

Vladimir Bezugly, director Krasnodar power networks, said: “These substations keep lights on for 45 social facilities and homes in 38 settlements of Dinskoy district. “Dinskoy district is one of actively developing districts and that is why it is set in the investment programme of Kubanenergo for increase of capacity of its substations. The main result of the implementation of power upgrade project in the current year will be a significant improvement in the quality and reliability of electricity supply to existing consumers in the district, as well as ensuring connection of new ones. For the work to be conducted safely and in case there is a need to switch to backup sources, our customers might experience short-term cut offs.”