Kubanenergo is upgrading substation “Rechnaya” in Armavir

As part of investment programme, specialists from Armavir branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) have commenced renovation of equipment at 110KV “Rechnaya” substation. According to the project it is planned to install new automated microprocessor-based panel boards instead of DC boards, new battery unit and battery chargers.

This modern lead-acid storage battery, consisting of 108 cells, will replace the accumulator battery that has come to tend of its useful life over the years of operation. The advantages of the new battery consist in ecological compatibility, compactness, integrity, higher capacity (300 amperes/hour) and durability. The modern battery is easy to operate and maintain which will help the branch minimize repair and maintenance costs.

Stationary lead-acid storage batteries are used at transformer substations as DC sources, they ensure operation of relay protection and automation devices, alarms, and power equipment in case of power failure.

Implementation of the investment programme will increase reliability of power grid equipment and ensure uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to over 40 thousand consumers in the residential sector and industrial and critical infrastructure of Armavir.