9 million rubles' investment in power lines in the east of the region

Engineers from Armavir branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) are conducting scheduled repairs at distribution networks in Kavkazskiy and Otradnenskiy districts of the Krasnodar region, they will overhaul over 40 kilometers of 0.4-10KV power lines.

In Udobnaya village, Otradnenskiy district, our specialists have upgraded six kilometers of uninsulated wires with new one with heavy-gage wire that will significantly increase network transfer capacity. They will also replace about 130 damaged insulators and install over 20 new concrete electricity poles.

The project presupposes installation of services drop wires at over 50 homes, for this purpose our specialists will use self-supporting insulated wire. Replacement of 3.6km of wire, installation of four new poles and 40 service points is scheduled in Stepnoy village, Kavkazskiy district.

‘The scheduled repairs at power facilities are conducted across all districts of the branch’s ??responsibility zone.  This year, specialists from Armavir branch have overhauled nine transformer substations, installed 16 km of new wire on low-voltage networks, trimmed trees and cleared from vegetation 8.22 hectares transmission lines’ right-of-ways. There is still a lot to do, but when finished this project will increase the network capacity, prevent power cuts and improve the reliability of power equipment’, says Rustam Magdeyev, Director of Armavirskiye power networks.

Armavir branch of Kubanenergo will invest over 9 million rubles in repair of the power network in the eastern part of Kuban region.