Overhaul of substation “Dyadkovskaya” in Korenovskiy district

As part of preparation of power networks of Korenovskiy district to summer peak demand, power enginneers from Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) are overhauling one of the most important grid facilities – 35/10 kV substation “Dyadkovskaya”.

The substation keeps lights on for customers from villages Dyadkovskaya and Severniy, as well as soft infrastructure including school, village administration, shopping centres and several farms.

Our engineers will repair two power transformers and several dozens of equipment units and improve the surrounding area. It is planned to finish all works by the end of May

“This project will help us extend equipment life, increase safety of substation, create conditions for uninterrupted electric energy supply to customers of the most remote villages in the period of summer peak demand,” said Mikhail Suvorov, director of Ust-Labinsk power networks.