Delegation from Kubanenergo at the Russian OHS Week

Delegation from Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) headed by Igor Shishigin, Deputy Director General for Technical Issues – Chief Engineer, have participated in business programme of the IV Russian Occupational Safety and Health Week that took place in Sochi on 9-13 April 2018 at the Main Media Centre of the Olympic Park. 

Heads of departments responsible for labour protection and occupational safety at subsidiaries of Rosseti and representatives of Rosseti branch – Centre for Engineering Supervision attended a meeting to discuss the results of works in 2017 plans for 2018. During the meeting the participants address topical issues, shares their experience in organization of activities in the sphere of occupational safety. Igor Shishigin was among the speakers of the meeting.

Kubanenergo took part in strategic plenary session “Occupational Safety: Achievements and Challenges”; visited an exposition that displayed advanced experience and know-how of Russian and foreign companies working in this sphere; participated in round-table discussions, seminars, conferences and workshops.

The main focus of the Forum was on the discussion panel “Digital Technologies in Occupational Safety”. It addressed the programme of digitization of the grid.

‘It is a longtime tradition in Kubanenergo to participate in this Forum. Here we meet experts from leading Russian companies, heads of departments and units working in the sphere of occupational safety. We appreciate the experience and knowledge we get here and are happy to share our own. Compliance with standards of occupational safety and health is the basis for organizing the activity of our company, and the paramount task is to ensure safe working conditions for every employee,’ said Igor Shishigin.

For reference: The Russian Occupational Safety and Health Week is held under the initiative of the RF Ministry of Labour and Social Security in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. The chairperson of the organizing committee for preparation and holding is the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets. The event unites absolutely all aspects of labour relations: employers, specialists practicing occupational safety, representatives of the Ministry of Labour, scientists, trade unions, representatives of regional authorities, top management of state corporations and large industrial enterprises. Annually the first persons of the state take part in the Forum. The event is held in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. The organizing committee for the preparation and holding is headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Olga Golodets. This is not just a business forum, it is the place for establishment of new legislative acts, conclusion of transactions and promotion of development of labour protection in general.