Power industry specialists on grid connection procedure for small and medium businesses

Armavir branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) has arranged a meeting for small and medium businesses and power sector specialists to discuss grid connection procedures and novelties in the legislation.

Roman Bandurko, assistant director for grid connection, Armavir power networks, spoke about the legislative acts that regulate the process of power networks, about procedure for concluding contracts and how to apply for connection. He also focused on measures taken by the Company to facilitate the process of connection to networks and make the energy infrastructure more accessible.

Rustam Magdeev, director of Armavir power networks, said: “Such format of the meeting – open dialogue – encourages participants to shares information, speak about matters of concern and find optimal solutions. Such meetings help improve and sophisticate quality of services.”

The Company carries on active development of interactive services. Thus, today you a customer can apply for grid connection at Personal Account on website of Kubanenergo.

To find more about the procedure of connection, please, use hotline 8-800-100-15-52 or visit one of our customer service centres of Armavir power networks in Armavir, Gulkevichi, Novokubansk, Kavkazskaya, Otradnaya and Uspenskoye villages.