4-million-ruble project to repair power lines in Labinsk district

Labinsky branch of Kubanenergo PJSC  (Rosseti Group) plan to repair 13 overhead power lines in Labinsk, Kurganinsk and Mostovskaya districts of Krasnodar region in 2018. Some four million rules will be invested in this project.

When carrying out this project, our engineers will replace 15 pylons, over 140 damaged insulators on 35kV lines. They will also replace 3.3km of overhead ground-wire cable on 110kV lines to protect them from lightning overvoltage. It is planned to clear 26 hectares of power lines’ rights-of-way from trees and vegetation. This will be done either manually with chain saws or with mulchers.

Andrei Gereasko, director Labinskiye lectric networks, said: “Annually our specialists carry out a range of works aimed at maintenance and repair of the main and distribution network; it increases operational lifetime of equipment and ensures its reliable work. This we started with repair of low-voltage lines in February, and overhauls and maintenance works on high-voltage equipment start in April.”