Kubanenergo to take part in the business programme of the RIF-2018

Delegation from Kubanenergo under the guidance of Alexander Gavrilov, Director General, will take part in the business programme of the Russian Investment Forum-2018 in Sochi from February 15 to 16 at the Olympic Park Main Media Centre. For the first time at the Forum Rosseti will have its own discussion platform – “Territory of Rosseti”.

At its platform Rosseti will officially showcase their strategy of creation of digital electric network in Russia by 2030. Digital economy will be the main topic of experts and guests at panel discussions on various aspects of “smart” grid management. Rosseti is one of the title sponsors of the RIF-2018.

It is known that one of the main themes of the first day of the Forum is development of digital electric network. At the panel discussion, experts of the field will analyse whether the current energy infrastructure can meet the challenges of modernity, embrace the variety of approaches and efficient systems to establish a new industry standard.

Rosseti is heading towards digitization of network. This new policy of Rosseti was set by Pavel Livinisky, Director General. This process is driven by transition to a new technological era. Kubanenergo is ready to embrace the latest economic trends: the company has already included activities on digitization of network in its innovative projects. Among which: “smart” substations on the base of 110kV substation “Tuapse-town”, “Digital RES” and construction of new “smart” substation in Sochi district.

Kubanenergo is one of the fastest growing grid companies of the South of Russia. By the results of 2017, investments of Kubanenergo reached 9 billion rubles, it is almost three time more than in 2016. The Company keeps working on the projects that are aimed at assistance in development of infrastructure and business of the Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea. Kubanenergo orders construction of grid facilities intended to ensure dynamic development of the most important construction projects of the country.



The Russian Investment Forum in Sochi is an annual traditional platform for presenting Russia’s investment and economic potential, for discussion of development of the world economy and its current trends, for strengthening ties between foreign and Russian businesses, political circles, expert and media community. In 2018, the Forum will feature an exhibition of investment projects from 41 regions of the Russian Federation. More than 2 000 business representatives, 77 heads of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, over 700 heads of large Russian companies and 163 foreign companies from 10 countries will attend this event.